30 Before 30

The Big 3-0 happens on June 19, 2014. In honor of this, I've come up with 30 things to accomplish before 30 list. Some are big, some are small, but all are things I'd like to do.  As I accomplish them, I'll cross them off and add the date accomplished.

So here they are (in no particular order):

1. Go to Europe Completed May 2013!
2. Run a full marathon
3. Become involved with a cause
4. Do yoga regularly
5. Attain goal weight/physique
6. Read 100 books
7. Learn to play golf - take lessons and play regularly (without a mental breakdown!)
8. Take a wine-tasting class
9. Make homemade pasta
10. Go u-picking at local farms
11. Take a photography class
12. Raise a small garden without killing it
13. Learn to speak German - not necessarily fluent, but enough to get around the country without sounding like a total moron
14. Finally get to NYC and do all the touristy stuff
15. Learn to swim
16. Run 1 race a month, any distance, for 1 year
17. Organize my photos and actually put some in frames!
18. Get creative - I love crafts and projects. I'd like to finally put some of those pinterest ideas to use!
19. Learn to make some amazing old-school cocktails - bring on the gin and bitters!
20. Visit the Farmer's Market at least once a month
21. Move - 2 bedrooms and a dishwasher, please!
22. Have a picnic on the Common
23. Stress less
24. Watch a sunrise
25. Eat more brunch
26. Join a running club
27. Join or start a book club
28. Visit the Minute Man trail in Lexington/Concord
29. Master skiing - by this I mean, not having to pray to God I don't fall on my butt every time I get off the lift and maybe be able to hang on some blue runs for more than one run a year
30. ?

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